Protecting Those Who Protect Us: Supporting First Responders

Our agency is proud to support the hard work of first responders in our community. They help keep us safe from harm’s way and create a secure environment for us all. This is why we are excited to be supporting the 50 Club of Galveston County in their efforts to support the families of those who keep ours protected. 

The 50 Club of Galveston County provides financial support to the dependents of police officers who’ve been injured or killed in the line of duty. The job is often very dangerous and can potentially be life-threatening, which would leave the families of officers financially unstable in the case of sudden and unexpected death. The 50 Club helps raise money to keep these families taken care of if the worst case were to strike and even helps with medical bills in cases where officers are hospitalized. 

With your help, we can empower every family with a loved one in our first responding forces.  When you recommend someone to us for a quote, we offer to donate $10 on your behalf. And yes, that is for EACH friend you send us. How many do you have? Do the math! Are you in?



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